Wednesday, September 15, 2010

There's no place like home.

Growing up, I always found it so fascinating how my mother transformed into a completely different person when we went to the "farm" (Her parents farm in Illinois).  I never saw that side of her unless we were there.  She was 100% relaxed and had this look on her face that said "I'm home."  Now, the farm was/ is a truly magical place, and it transforms everyone that spends time there, but it transformed my mom the most.  It brought out this giddyness, sillyness, and craziness side that was truly amazing.  I remember late nights when we were at the farm where my mom and her sisters would just laugh and laugh and be squirly and silly and completely crazy!  I loved seeing this.
Now, as an adult, I understand why my mom was the way she was at the farm.  It was her "home," the place where she grew up....the place that held so many magical moments, moments that helped shape and mold the person she is today.
The kids and I went to my moms house last weekend, the house where I grew up, and it was the perfect time to go because the kids were driving me nuts!  I swear it was a full moon the Friday before we left.  I was tired, emotional, frustrated, defeated, and drained.  It just so happened that my little sister was there that weekend also, which was an extra bonus!  As soon as I walked in the door and watched my kids run to their Grandma and Aunt, I sighed a big long sigh and said to myself, "There's no place like home."  I really do feel like a different person when I'm at the house I grew up in.  Not that it's a good or bad thing, I just feel different.  It takes me to this world that feels safe and warm.  I become this person that does really awful interpretive dances (I dance a lot anyway, but it get's so much worse at my moms!) and acts the silliest I've ever acted.  I remember the first few times I brought David home to meet my family when we first started dating and I could see the look on his face that said, "Who is this person??"  Something takes over me.  We always eat a lot when I'm at "home," always great food,  food that reminds me of my that comforts my soul and warms my heart.  We dance even more than David and the kids and I dance at our home in Rochester.  And you should see how my sisters and I dance when we're together.  Seriously.  It's like nothing you've ever seen.  It maybe should even be illegal.  And then there's scrabble.  My family loves scrabble, and we're out for blood.  We usually play at night, after the busy day has ended.  My mom does crossword puzzles everyday, so she's the word guru.  If we have any questions about a word, she is our dictionary.  I'd like to say that I clean everyone's clocks every-time we play, but that that wouldn't be true or fair.  We usually take turns winning, since we're all awesome at it.  Right guys?  And then there's usually some guitar playing and singing.  We pass around the guitar and take turns singing our favorite songs.  It's therapeutic, relaxing, and makes me feel like everything is right in the world.  It takes me back to when I was a child and I would hear my dad playing after we had all went to bed.  It was the best lullaby, soothing my very core, and still does to this day.
So to me, there really isn't anyplace like "home," and after this past weekend I felt refreshed and rejuvenated.  It's always sad to leave, but nice to get back to reality. I only hope to create an environment for my kids that my parents created for me, and I hope and look forward to the day when my kids are grown, and they come to me and say "Mom, there's no place like home."