Wednesday, September 15, 2010

There's no place like home.

Growing up, I always found it so fascinating how my mother transformed into a completely different person when we went to the "farm" (Her parents farm in Illinois).  I never saw that side of her unless we were there.  She was 100% relaxed and had this look on her face that said "I'm home."  Now, the farm was/ is a truly magical place, and it transforms everyone that spends time there, but it transformed my mom the most.  It brought out this giddyness, sillyness, and craziness side that was truly amazing.  I remember late nights when we were at the farm where my mom and her sisters would just laugh and laugh and be squirly and silly and completely crazy!  I loved seeing this.
Now, as an adult, I understand why my mom was the way she was at the farm.  It was her "home," the place where she grew up....the place that held so many magical moments, moments that helped shape and mold the person she is today.
The kids and I went to my moms house last weekend, the house where I grew up, and it was the perfect time to go because the kids were driving me nuts!  I swear it was a full moon the Friday before we left.  I was tired, emotional, frustrated, defeated, and drained.  It just so happened that my little sister was there that weekend also, which was an extra bonus!  As soon as I walked in the door and watched my kids run to their Grandma and Aunt, I sighed a big long sigh and said to myself, "There's no place like home."  I really do feel like a different person when I'm at the house I grew up in.  Not that it's a good or bad thing, I just feel different.  It takes me to this world that feels safe and warm.  I become this person that does really awful interpretive dances (I dance a lot anyway, but it get's so much worse at my moms!) and acts the silliest I've ever acted.  I remember the first few times I brought David home to meet my family when we first started dating and I could see the look on his face that said, "Who is this person??"  Something takes over me.  We always eat a lot when I'm at "home," always great food,  food that reminds me of my that comforts my soul and warms my heart.  We dance even more than David and the kids and I dance at our home in Rochester.  And you should see how my sisters and I dance when we're together.  Seriously.  It's like nothing you've ever seen.  It maybe should even be illegal.  And then there's scrabble.  My family loves scrabble, and we're out for blood.  We usually play at night, after the busy day has ended.  My mom does crossword puzzles everyday, so she's the word guru.  If we have any questions about a word, she is our dictionary.  I'd like to say that I clean everyone's clocks every-time we play, but that that wouldn't be true or fair.  We usually take turns winning, since we're all awesome at it.  Right guys?  And then there's usually some guitar playing and singing.  We pass around the guitar and take turns singing our favorite songs.  It's therapeutic, relaxing, and makes me feel like everything is right in the world.  It takes me back to when I was a child and I would hear my dad playing after we had all went to bed.  It was the best lullaby, soothing my very core, and still does to this day.
So to me, there really isn't anyplace like "home," and after this past weekend I felt refreshed and rejuvenated.  It's always sad to leave, but nice to get back to reality. I only hope to create an environment for my kids that my parents created for me, and I hope and look forward to the day when my kids are grown, and they come to me and say "Mom, there's no place like home."

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Anyone up for a "Shave 'em Song" sequel?

So many of you know I play guitar and like to write songs (not as many anymore since I'm kinda busy these days).  My favorite song I've written is called "Shave 'em Song....I didn't actually officially name it that, but I didn't name it anything else, and that's what I call it, so I guess that's the name it got inherited.  So I hate shaving.  I hate everything about it.  I always seem to cut myself and my skin is so sensitive that razor burn is inevitable.  It takes me forever and by the time I'm done shaving, the hot water is gone.  Nice.  I do have to admit that I love the way it feels after you shave...there's nothing like that feeling, it's just getting to that feeling that I have a problem with.  It's not that I want to be a hairy beast or anything, I just don't want to shave.
So looking at my options, I figured I wouldn't like waxing because I can't take the pain, and plus that would probably take even longer than shaving.  Recently at my mother-in-law's house I saw that she had a bottle of Nair in the closet and my curiosity peeked.  I asked her about it and apparently she loves it and get's silky smooth legs (I have to admit, she does have nice silky smooth legs) So, curious little me decided, what the heck?  Nothing could be worse than shaving, right?  Wrong.  Nair is worse than shaving.  For one thing the smell is God-awful.  It's like, well......I can't even explain it.  It burns your nostrils and reminds me of a hospital.  It also feels funny on my skin.  Since I have sensitive skin it probably wasn't the best choice because it is kind of harsh, and sort of burned.  Who wants to burn their hairs off?  Also, it didn't even work!  Seriously, I left it on for as long as they said...even a little longer just to make sure.  So I rinsed it all off, and alas, no silky smooth legs!  What the H-E-double hockey stick is that all about?  I had patches of hair and patches of semi-smooth leg.  Gross.  So I ended up having to just shave them all in the end anyway.
So I guess my point for this whole story (if you call it a point that is)  is that I think the next song that I write will be the sequel to the "Shave 'em Song."  It will be about my experience with this God-awful thing called Nair.   Coming to a bad and desperate coffee shop near you.

Monday, August 30, 2010


Mommy got a vacation! Can I hear a "Hallelujah?"  It was time.  It was needed.  It was fabulous!  3 of my good 'ole college friends that I've known for 9 years decided it was high time to get the heck outta dodge for a while.  I couldn't have been accompanied by better gals.  Alicia's a single mom who just graduated from Law school.  She had her son while she was in school, managed to juggle school/single mommyhood, and somehow stayed sane throughout everything. She's got true grit that girl.  I admire her so much and can't sing enough of her praises.  She challenges me to explore the depths of my soul and I love just being around her.  She's got this determination that you can see when you look into her eyes...not only determination for her career but also for her son and being the best mom she can be.  I only wish I could be as tough/wonderful and determined as her.  Jes is....well, how do I describe her.  She's probably one of the most likable people you will probably ever meet.  Everyone is drawn to her, and everyone is a happier person for knowing her. You can't help but like her.  Her attitude on life,  her disposition in general, and her bubbly personality is totally, 100% infectious, and you want to just be with her as much as possible because you feel alive and happy and wonderful when you're with her.  I strive to have her outlook on life and her calm sense of everyday reality.  She makes me truly happy.
Candice is, well....she's my sunshine.  I always call her the sunshine in my life because she's exactly that.  She brightens up my life.  She sparkles and shines and makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.  She has this heart of pure perfection....she is so compassionate, considerate, genuine, and warm.  I feel like everything is right in the world when I'm with her.
So the four of us went to San Diego for almost a week and had the time of our lives!  It was so laid back and low-key that if one of us said we were going to take a nap, nobody thought anything of it.  We spent time at the pool reading, listening to music, and just enjoying everyone's company.  We went to the beach and acted like teenagers, posing for picture after picture and loving every minute of it!  We didn't have a care in the world, and for all of us, that was our true vacation.  There was no drama, no caddiness and no schedule,  which was pure heaven.
One of the great aspects of my trip was when I talked to David one night and he admitted to me how hard it was to be home with the kids.  He told me how much he appreciates me and what I do at home because it's not easy.  Can I hear an "Amen?"  Hello?!!!  Hell no it's not easy, and it felt so so so so so good to hear that affirmation.  Big sigh.  Hearing that made me feel like it was alright to come back...alright to step back into reality because everything was right in the world again.  I needed to hear that I was appreciated.  I needed to hear that what I do isn't easy.  And by David saying those things, he's never seemed so vulnerable/sexy/manly and wonderful.  I love that side of him.....the side where he's not perfect and everything isn't easy for him.  That makes me love him even more.
So I guess what I've realized is that mommies need vacations too.  It's ok to want/need to get away.  It's healthy and NEEDED, and good for not only yourself but for your kids.  I came back a better mother, a better wife, and a better friend.  Heck, I'm ready for another one about it?!

Friday, August 27, 2010

One of THOSE days

So I had a really crappy day today.  I don't even know why really because if anything, yesterday should have been my really crappy day.  Both kids started puking yesterday morning.  Like, heaving so hard Grace would kick her legs she was so mad at the situation.  It's not that it was the worst thing in the world because let's face it, as parents we all signed up for days like that.  David was flying in the cities with the Air Force, so it was just me holding down the fort.  I couldn't really do anything because the kids were puking like every 15 minutes, so I basically had to watch them both, look for the signs (Gabe wouldn't tell me when he was going to throw up so I had to watch him all the time) and have a bucket ready for each kid.  I was the official bucket holder, one of the many perks of being a mom.  It's hard for any mom to see their kids sick, but for me it's especially hard to watch them throw up.  I saw their tiny little bodies throwing up so hard that tears would stream down their cheeks.  It's a hard thing to watch.  It was probably one of longest days ever because the kids didn't want to do anything but lay on the couch and watch TV.  And that's what I had to do because once again, I was the official bucket holder.  One of the highlights of the day was actually when both kids had to throw up at the same time and I found myself with only one clean bucket.  Crap.  So I held the one bucket and they both threw up in it, their heads hitting each other.  Poor little dears. Turns out it was a 12 hour bug because by the time they went to bed the puking had stopped, thank goodness.
Anyway, that's not really the point of the story I guess.  Today was the day I felt out of whack.  I woke up and everything just felt off, like I wanted to go to bed again so I could wake up and start over.  I was crabby, tired, and my patience was really thin.  Of course the kids were extra wild today since they felt so much better and  had to make up for yesterday.
One thing that I've learned over the years is that I need to recognize the things that make me feel better, and actually do them.  So I have a list of a few things that I did that really made me feel better!  First and foremost, I went to the mall, because, duh, that always makes you feel better.  And by the way, I got only spent 20 bucks at Gap and got two pairs of jeans!  It's this gift I have. Anyway, so I went to the mall, walked around, and by the time I left I felt a little better.  As soon as I got home I put in one of the Glee soundtracks because let's face it, Glee makes everything better, right? :-)  I found the songs I like the best and played them over and over, because music has this way of soothing my soul and taking me to my "Happy place".  Part of the reason I put on music was the fact that I knew David would start dancing, and for everyone that knows my husband, his dancing is so ridiculous that you can't help but laugh!  And laughing instantly makes you feel better!  He does this hip thrust thing that is hysterical, and his mouth always makes funny faces while he dances!  So I rocked out to Glee, got a little dancing show from my husband, and already I knew my day was looking up.  I then went to the fridge and proceeded to squirt copious amounts of Redi Whip straight into my mouth.  Pure bliss.  Some may be repulsed by this, and for all of you that think that, all I can say is TRY IT!  It might make your day better!  The last thing I did is sort of a staple for me.  I found the best gummies in the house and ate them really slow so I could savor every bite.  My choice today was some yummy cherry gummies that  David brought back from Germany.  European gummies are so much better than the ones we have here.  I'm not even sure why.
So my day ended much better than it began, thanks to a few of my favorite things.  I guess I've learned that you are the only one that can control your mood, so why not try and make it better?  So the moral of the story is this.....if you're having a bad day, all you have to do is call up my husband and have him come dance for you, seriously, it will make you feel better!

Single mommy, no more

I was as giddy as a teenager at their first prom.  My long lost husband was finally coming home!  I honestly couldn't eat that whole day because of the excitement, nervousness, and pure bliss that I was feeling.  It's funny, people always say, "Absence makes the heart grow fonder," and I can now say that I believe it wholeheartedly.  I felt all the butterflies that you feel in the beginning; the way that your heart races to the point where you feel like it's hard to breathe.  The kids and I got to meet David at the gate, which made it feel even more special.  Grace picked out a purple headband with a bow right in the front, and Gabe wore a nice blue polo, his usual.  We actually almost didn't make it on time.  It took me a little longer than  I thought to get ready, drive to the airport, park, get cleared to meet him at the gate, and then actually find the darn gate.  We got there literally 5 minutes before the passengers started coming out of the plane.  This was it!  The door opened and the first of the passengers started coming out.  I got the kids out of the stroller, perched alongside of me just right so that we were in perfect position.  And we waited.  And waited.  And waited.  There was a split second there when I thought to myself, "crap, I'm at the wrong gate...perfect, I've blown everything." And then the passengers started getting  fewer and fewer until they stopped altogether.  Again, crap.  But wait, just then, more started coming!  So we waited.  And waited.  By this time I was really sweating.  Just then, I saw a couple of guys come out that looked at me funny, so I figured either they just thought I was extremely good-looking, or they were the two that were traveling with David. Turns out they were with David.  I quickly asked if they were with him in which they replied, "yep, he'll probably be one of the last ones out."  Well that explained it.  Relieved, I loosened up a bit, realizing I was squeezing the kids' hands so tight I was probably cutting off circulation.  Finally, we saw him!  He was here!
The first thing that came to my mind was, "what the heck is he wearing?  Are those man-pri's?  Is he really wearing man-pri's?"  For all of you who don't know, man-pri's are like capri pants that women wear, only, well, now men wear them as well....apparently.  I don't think they're actually called man-pri's, but that's just the name a friend and I coined for them.  So after the initial shock of his choice in clothing wore off, I realized that the kid's had already ran to him, jumped in his arms, and now they were all three looking at me like, "um, aren't you going to hug him too?"  So this was it!  The moment I've been waiting for for over 2 months!  The big first moment that we get to see each other!  So I walk over and wrap my arms around him....which lasted all of 2 seconds.  I thought, "What?  That's it?  Where was the slow motion run we see in movies, and the long romantic kiss that I expected?  Where were the fireworks and the "big" moment I thought we would have?   Yeah.  My movie version had ended and reality set in.  He was back, and so glad to see us, but we simply couldn't have a hot movie scene in the middle of the airport.  That would have to happen later :-)
So all is right in the world again.  Even though I have to give up the middle of the bed, the middle parking spot in the garage, and a fart-free bedroom, my family was complete again, and that was all that mattered. 
So hug your significant other.  Tell them how much they mean to you.  And then tell them to get the hell out of town for 2 months so you can appreciate them again when they get back :-)