Tuesday, June 21, 2011

A big move!

Well hello world!  (Or at least the 3 followers that I have!)  It's been a while since I've written, and I'm finally at a point where I think I can entertain you all again! (or, again, at least the 3 followers I have)
A lot has happened in the months of my absence.  And it would probably take me lots and lots of blogs to catch up and fill you all in.  Guess I'll just start with the biggest.

So we moved from Rochester to the Twin Cities in April.  We lived in Rochester for 5 years...it's where both our kids were born...two of my best friends lived there...and I had established a wonderful support group with my MOPS mommies at our church.  I didn't want to move.  I really loved it there, and it finally felt like "home."  And then there's the actual packing part.  If you ask me what's one thing that I absolutely hate doing, I would probably say moving.  The actual process of packing everything up, putting all of your possessions in one huge truck, and then unpacking things again is something that I seriously despise.  Really?  Yes really. There are so many more unpleasant things I would rather do than moving.  For example, I would rather go to the grocery store with my two kids while they're both throwing tantrums and people are looking at me like I'm a horrible parent.  I would rather sprain my ankle (been there, done it, would choose that over moving).  I would rather have hundreds of paper cuts all over my body.  I would rather run out of gas in the middle of interstate 494 during rush hour.  I would rather be stuck in rush hour and go into labor.  You get the point, right?
So we moved because David got into a Nurse Anesthetist Grad program up here, and it's something he's wanted to do ever since nursing school.  It was pretty much now or never.  So I took one for the team and packed the boxes, then moved the boxes, then unpacked the boxes, then vowed to never do it again.
There's so many reasons why I didn't want to ever move to Minneapolis.  I'm a small town girl at heart.  Rochester seemed big to me at first, so moving here was kind of a big deal.
So obviously there's been a lot that I've had to learn and deal with.  For example, I've learned how to be a "city driver."  I can cut someone off like a pro, and even do it where I don't get honked at!  I just flash my little smile and act like I have no idea what I'm doing.  Oh, but I do.  See, you have to learn how to be an aggressive driver here otherwise you would get eaten up...and you would always miss your exit, not to mention get lots of the middle fingers flashed at you for driving like a granny and hanging out in the fast lane when you're definitely not going fast.  I'm actually quite comfortable being an aggressive driver.  Makes me feel empowered!  Another thing I've learned is that not everyone gets robbed every night.  See, growing up in a small town, the perception I had of a big city was that everyone got robbed.  (I know...you are shaking your heads)  But seriously.  Then one night my husband left his very expensive ipod on the deck overnight, and low and behold, it was still there the next day!  Shocking!  The city was starting to grow on me.  Now, obviously he didn't mean to leave the ipod out there, and will always try and be careful about not leaving things outside, but it was nice knowing that for at least one night, our yard was creeper free.  Another thing I've learned is that you can get pretty much anywhere in the city in about 20 minutes.  Except, of, course, Ikea and the Mall of America because they're practically in my backyard (three miles away).  It's proven to be a bit dangerous, but we're working on it.  No, I don't have to go there 3 times a day..once is probably enough.
One of the most important things I've learned living here is that I can practically wear anything I want, in any combination, and I would blend right in.  Plaid knee high tights with a hot pink striped shirt and tie-dyed sneakers?  Perfectly normal.  Different colored socks with two different shoes and a dress that looked like a tiger had gotten to it?  Seen it lots, might even try it.

So we're here for at least two years.  And then who knows where.  So I'm going to make the most of our time here, and who knows, we might end up here permanently.  I sure miss everybody from Rochester, but am coming to terms with our new life.
So here's to new adventures, new dreams, and wearing whatever the heck I want without getting looked at like I'm a freak!

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