Tuesday, July 22, 2014

So I literally just started 4 different blog posts....each topics are ones that I've been meaning to write about for months now. I started the first one and seriously got about 3 sentences written and....block!  Next one, same thing.  Shit.  3rd one....this is it, It's going to be funny yet serious, thought provoking and completely awesome.  Fail.  4th one was THE one.  A topic fresh in my mind and full of awesomeness.....And you wanna know what happened?  I was sitting here, thinking of what to write next and my 2 year old walked by and said "I poop" with a devilish grin on his face, giggling uncontrollably. Yep.  I lost all intelliegible thoughts at that point.  So I figured I would blog about what I had intended to blog about.... and then just write a bunch of bullshit that people will hopefully find enjoyable to read.
So currently I'm sitting in our comfy rocking chair typing away and thinking these things....
----"My 2 year old has poop in his diaper and I should probably take a break and change him.  Nah...just a few more minutes, he'll be fine.
-----"I should really be doing some cleaning...picking up and making sure the house looks ok when David gets back.  Nah....he's golfing, so why should I slave away when he's out having a blast?"
And last...."I really want to watch some trashy TV, like The real housewives or something..."
Ok, that last one was completely random, but that's what was on my mind.
Lets talk about Max.  This is what I'm currently seeing...
Yes, he's on the table with poop in his diaper (and his shoes on nonetheless).  Totally enthralled with my water bottle and thinking how smart he is for getting away with being up there. This kid is a hoot.  He's so cuddly and loving, yet smart and devilish. He just started saying "I love you" and its probably the cutest thing I've ever seen.  Seriously

And this is what I found Gabe doing currently.
This kid.  The face you ask? Currently he is mad at me because i wouldn't let him play on any screens (iPad, xbox or tv).  I told him to get creative.  After throwing a nice little fit, he eventually  found some cool race car printouts online that he printed (with my help of course) and is now coloring them.  He actually is having a good time doing it despite the frown on his face.  Sigh.

When does school start again?

And then there's Grace.  I found her in the garage with a couple of friends doing this...
She's always been a little monkey...a daredevil who's not afraid of much.  A few minutes after I took this picture, she came in with a huge smile on her face and said, "I just fell doing a really cool trick!  It only hurts a little....."
This girl is going to give me gray hairs. No joke.

Did I mention that David is golfing tonight?
Oh sweet sweet summertime golf league.  Isn't he just the luckiest? Just so lucky....I can't stand how lucky he is. So......lucky.

So here I sit....trying to write this fantastic blog about one certain topic that is totally awesome because I have so many ideas in my head....and this is what I came up with!  Ha! I guess this is real life...a real night in our life.  Hope you enjoyed!

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