Sunday, December 11, 2011

Third pregnancy, bring out the sweats.

I remember when I first was pregnant with Grace, my oldest.  I was going to be the cutest, most fashionable darn pregnant lady....ever.  I wore fun things, cute and flattering.  (as much as you can) I loved showing off my bump.
You see all of the celebrities who make it their job to "win" in the best dressed preggo category.  And they are all so darn cute.  It really makes you want to try, right?
Wrong.  I'm on my third pregnancy people, bring out the sweats.
My body is way different than it was when I was pregnant with my first.  Things shift and droop, and fluctuate and stretch.  I'm tired after chasing after my 4 and 5 year old..the last thing I want to do is spend any time on myself.  I'm tired of putting on my old maternity clothes and realizing that they don't fit right...that throughout the other two pregnancies, my body has changed enough to need new clothes.  Argh.  This, in itself makes me want to put nothing else on but sweats.  Who wants to buy maternity clothes?  Yuck.
This is an example of how I know it's very different going from your first pregnancy to your third (for me anyway) :
I was on the phone the other day with my sister, who just had her first baby in October.  We were talking about maternity clothes and she asked if I needed any.  I said, maybe (and maybe because she is almost 6 feet tall, legs for daze, and never gained any weight other than her belly).  She rattled off a few items that she thought would fit, and then got really excited and said, "oh, and I have this really great leopard print dress."  I about fell over.  Now don't get me sister wore the cutest clothes...never ashamed of showing off her figure.  And it totally worked....she was, probably the cutest pregnant woman I've ever seen...right up with all the celebrities.  But in all seriousness...who the hell wants to wear a tight leopard print dress with their third baby?  I think I'd rather wear a moo moo (or however you spell it).  I don't know why, but this time around I could really care less.  Is that bad?  I've even turned into that mom who brings their kid to school in their pjs. (Namely, sweats) I even wore my slippers one day by accident. It should have been embarrassing, but sadly it wasn't.  The thought of putting real clothes on right now makes me want to vomit.
Seriously, you should see me right now.  Actually, no I'm glad you can't see me right now.  You might vomit yourself.
I often wonder, "What happened to me?"  I used to love wearing heels and cute clothes.  Now I've traded them in for ugly black slippers that make me shuffle like an old person when I walk, and oversized baggy sweats that make me look 3 sizes bigger than I am.
I think part of it is because with Grace, it was my first.  I didn't gain THAT much weight.  With Gabe...ha, totally different story.  I grew OUT of my maternity clothes, gained way more weight,  grew a couple of chins and, in the true words of a good friend, "Got as big as a truck!"  Now, if he wasn't one of David and my really good friends I would have punched him in the nuts, but all I could do was agree with him because it was true!  I was as big as a big ass Mack truck.  So, when you get that big, who wants to wear anything besides oversized unflattering sweats?  Not me.
So, if you see me out and not expect me to be donning a leopard print dress, heels...or even jeans for that matter!
It's my third pregnancy people...bring out the sweats.


  1. I love you and think you are the most beautiful woman on this planet! I can not wait to see you and your beautiful figure tomorrow!

  2. I agree with David. This was a seriously funny post and I loved it. I love you too. Remember, I have a Texas sized ass and I haven't been pregnant for about , hmnn, 20 years!

  3. Girl, you could totally rock that leopard dress! It kind of feels like pajamas. I'm saving it for you.

  4. Love it, love it:) And, congratulations!
