Friday, August 27, 2010

One of THOSE days

So I had a really crappy day today.  I don't even know why really because if anything, yesterday should have been my really crappy day.  Both kids started puking yesterday morning.  Like, heaving so hard Grace would kick her legs she was so mad at the situation.  It's not that it was the worst thing in the world because let's face it, as parents we all signed up for days like that.  David was flying in the cities with the Air Force, so it was just me holding down the fort.  I couldn't really do anything because the kids were puking like every 15 minutes, so I basically had to watch them both, look for the signs (Gabe wouldn't tell me when he was going to throw up so I had to watch him all the time) and have a bucket ready for each kid.  I was the official bucket holder, one of the many perks of being a mom.  It's hard for any mom to see their kids sick, but for me it's especially hard to watch them throw up.  I saw their tiny little bodies throwing up so hard that tears would stream down their cheeks.  It's a hard thing to watch.  It was probably one of longest days ever because the kids didn't want to do anything but lay on the couch and watch TV.  And that's what I had to do because once again, I was the official bucket holder.  One of the highlights of the day was actually when both kids had to throw up at the same time and I found myself with only one clean bucket.  Crap.  So I held the one bucket and they both threw up in it, their heads hitting each other.  Poor little dears. Turns out it was a 12 hour bug because by the time they went to bed the puking had stopped, thank goodness.
Anyway, that's not really the point of the story I guess.  Today was the day I felt out of whack.  I woke up and everything just felt off, like I wanted to go to bed again so I could wake up and start over.  I was crabby, tired, and my patience was really thin.  Of course the kids were extra wild today since they felt so much better and  had to make up for yesterday.
One thing that I've learned over the years is that I need to recognize the things that make me feel better, and actually do them.  So I have a list of a few things that I did that really made me feel better!  First and foremost, I went to the mall, because, duh, that always makes you feel better.  And by the way, I got only spent 20 bucks at Gap and got two pairs of jeans!  It's this gift I have. Anyway, so I went to the mall, walked around, and by the time I left I felt a little better.  As soon as I got home I put in one of the Glee soundtracks because let's face it, Glee makes everything better, right? :-)  I found the songs I like the best and played them over and over, because music has this way of soothing my soul and taking me to my "Happy place".  Part of the reason I put on music was the fact that I knew David would start dancing, and for everyone that knows my husband, his dancing is so ridiculous that you can't help but laugh!  And laughing instantly makes you feel better!  He does this hip thrust thing that is hysterical, and his mouth always makes funny faces while he dances!  So I rocked out to Glee, got a little dancing show from my husband, and already I knew my day was looking up.  I then went to the fridge and proceeded to squirt copious amounts of Redi Whip straight into my mouth.  Pure bliss.  Some may be repulsed by this, and for all of you that think that, all I can say is TRY IT!  It might make your day better!  The last thing I did is sort of a staple for me.  I found the best gummies in the house and ate them really slow so I could savor every bite.  My choice today was some yummy cherry gummies that  David brought back from Germany.  European gummies are so much better than the ones we have here.  I'm not even sure why.
So my day ended much better than it began, thanks to a few of my favorite things.  I guess I've learned that you are the only one that can control your mood, so why not try and make it better?  So the moral of the story is this.....if you're having a bad day, all you have to do is call up my husband and have him come dance for you, seriously, it will make you feel better!

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